Are you looking to cleanse your space? Imagine breathing easier, feeling more energized, and capturing that elusive sense of...
A place for us to share research, advice, news, and our thoughts on wellness.
Are you looking to cleanse your space? Imagine breathing easier, feeling more energized, and capturing that elusive sense of...
Getting older isn’t for the faint of heart—aches, stiffness, and surprise creaks can make even the best of us groan. The...
We can’t help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude as we celebrate our 5th anniversary. These past five years have been an...
It’s officially cold and flu season, which means all kinds of viruses and pathogens are floating in the air, lurking on door...
Recovering from breast cancer is a deeply personal journey, and finding the right path to regain strength and wellness can...
What if there was a therapy that could tap into your body’s natural healing abilities using low-level electrical currents?...
We women are notorious for putting others’ needs above our own, often to the detriment of our own health and well-being....
There are all kinds of facials out there, but lately, we’ve been getting questions and seeing the social media buzz about...
Here at ReSet Lounge, we have talked a lot about ozone therapy treatment in the last few months. It is a cutting-edge...
The word “hacking” often carries a negative connotation. I learned this firsthand during my previous career in the tech...