For the longest time, I didn’t sweat. Period. Not naturally nor did I ever push myself to “break a sweat.” I got regular exercise, just not the sweaty kind because I simply didn’t think it was important.
Meanwhile, in my 20’s, I developed cystic acne. My 30’s brought on sensitivities to fragrance, mood swings and insomnia. And then in my 40’s, I discovered I had arthritis, which changed my day-to-day life. On the outside, I seemed fine--except for the ever-present red blotch on my chin. On the inside, however, I was a mess: food sensitivities, environmental toxins, pharmaceuticals and household cleaning products were accumulating inside my body. In addition, stress and emotional issues were causing a build-up of free radicals. Life had become too overwhelming and my system couldn’t handle it.
As I started down the road to wellness, I learned that we naturally rid ourselves of toxins through breathing, crying, urination, bowel movements and sweating. This led me to make nutritional changes, dabble with meditation and, last but not least, prioritize sweating! While exercise and heated yoga classes are great, my favorite way to sweat (a lot) is with an infrared sauna. Not only does it aid in detoxification, it helps with relaxation, pain relief, weight loss, improved circulation and skin purification. Sweating, along with improved sleep hygiene and stress management, have made a huge difference in my health and wellbeing.
Our goal with ReSet Lounge is to provide these innovative services like the infrared saunas so everyone can have access to a calmer mind and healthier body. Consider making an appointment and explore how sweating can help you!