The new year is a typical time for reflection, and 2020 is resonating with me for so many reasons. I think we all struggle with the “are you glass half full or half empty” scenario when we start a new year. How much time do we spend looking back, and how much on the future? I’m pretty much in the middle of my life (ok… second half), and I’m taking stock of what I’ve learned. I’m releasing the pain of the harder lessons in my past and turning my gaze to the future; armed and prepared with what I’ve learned. There is likely a perfect blend of going into the new decade with wisdom gained, a good dose of hope for the future, and commitment to a creating a life well lived. As a flawed human – I never get the perfect blend but I’m going to try!
For this New Year, my key words are SELF-CARE and HABITS.
These ring loudly to me as a Founder of Reset Lounge - where we offer efficient ways to help anyone find a more balanced and healthy state. We’ve been open for only three weeks and it’s palpable how much happier and lighter people are after they spend some time with us.
Could’ve, would’ve, should’ve. Here’s the look back part.
This is hard part. I didn’t know how important it was to advocate for my own wellbeing while caring for the wellbeing of my family, and I know for a fact that I’m not alone. Would my blood pressure be better if I’d paid attention to inflammation earlier? Yes. Would I have made it through the rougher patches in my life if I’d known about NuCalm and the amazing bio-hack it provides to bring down cortisol and give the brain and body restorative rest? Absolutely. Would I have released more toxins from my system if I’d used an infrared sauna? Again yes. The frustration in that is I just didn’t know! I didn’t know that there were effective and easy solutions available or in the works, but more importantly I didn’t value self-care.
Can we talk about the word “self-care”?
My 2020 resolution is to embrace this as a necessity. This is, after all, the decade I’ll become a mother-in-law and a grandmother (note to my boys). I don’t want to miss a thing! Including bungy jumping and white-water rafting if that’s what my clan wants to do. Previously I had such a problem with the way “self-care” even sounded. I’ve grown up with this root belief that selfishness is about the worst trait one can have. So “self-care” sounded broad and an opportunity to include things that are frivolous. But who is to judge what frivolous even is? Self-care isn’t a luxury; it is a necessity. If you want to be around for your family; you must be healthy.
Now onto “habits”.
So, turning self-care to a reality, leads to the discussion about the word “habit”. Habits create grooves in our patterns; whether they are helpful or hurtful. We build them up without even knowing it at times. However, introducing or replacing habits can require attention.
“Our lives are a work in progress. We can’t rush into changing our habits. Take a few steps at a time and enjoy the process” (shoutout to What if each of us simply added 30-minutes a week for an activity that helped modify one area of our lives which we want to improve? Or one small thing per day approached differently? Fifty percent of succeeding is showing up.
Do our best and get help when we need it.
None of this information is new and I’m sure many of you are thinking about some of the same things as we forge ahead in this new decade. I’m going to keep those words – self-care and habits – in the front of my mind, floating on top of my 2020 half-full glass. I’m going to value my own wellness and rely on my network of friends and family to help me out, and I’ll do the same for them. Joining my friends, and fellow ReSet Lounge Founders, in the amazing adventure of creating a place to make self-care an easy habit to adopt is a big leap in the right direction. I would love for our ReSet Lounge to be part of your self-care, habit building, awesome life-living world in 2020 and beyond.